TMS treatment for anxiety

An innovative approach to treating generalised anxiety disorder.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive therapy that uses magnetic pulses to calm the areas of your brain that control our responses to threats or fears. 

☎ 0345 222 5678

We all get anxious from time to time, but when anxiety becomes a way of life it can get in the way of your relationships, your day-to-day life – even your dreams for the future.

We are now offering TMS treatment to patients from the age of 14.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in the UK, with up to 1 in 4 people suffering at some point in their life.

Anxiety symptoms can be both psychological and physical. These will vary person to person but may include:

  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of dread
  • Feelings of being on edge
  • Problems sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dry mouth

Although anxiety can feel as though it is all consuming, it is treatable and Smart TMS see a significant amount of patients living a much improved quality of life after treatment.

What causes anxiety?

Ultimately, anxiety is the body’s way of protecting itself from perceived danger and is completely natural. In fact, as anxiety activates the “fight/flight/freeze” response, it is vital for survival when the danger is real (like coming face to face with a hungry lion, for example). It only becomes a problem when fight/flight/freeze responses impact day to day life.

When coming face to face with a lion, you might run away (flight), attempt to scare it off (fight) or stay completely still until it has passed (freeze). This response could save your life. The same response isn’t as helpful in daily life, especially as many of us aren’t going to come face to face with a hungry wild animal. For example, you may be extremely anxious about giving a presentation at work or school. You may respond to the perceived danger of the presentation by struggling to think clearly (freeze), by snapping at your co-presenters (fight) or even by leaving work early (flight). In this case, these three responses actually hinder you rather than help.

Experts aren’t sure what makes some people less able to differentiate between real danger and perceived danger, but it could be down to previous bad experience, learned behaviour (for example, growing up with an anxious parent) or the chemical balance in the brain.


What treatment is available for anxiety?

Traditional methods of dealing with the symptoms of anxiety – from medication to therapy – don’t always work.

Research has shown that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can reduce the symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder.

TMS can help you get your life back. At Smart TMS, we have a treatment response rate of around 50%, with a high proportion of our patients going into remission.

Some patients can manage their anxiety with self help courses or books, but group courses are also available. If the patient doesn’t feel their anxiety improve, psychological treatment, like CBT, is often offered to teach mindfulness and other coping techniques.

If the you’ve not seen any improvements, antidepressants, such as SSRIs like Sertraline and Paroxetine may be offered. Benzodiazepines like Diazepam are very effective in treating anxiety, but shouldn’t be used long term because they can become addictive quickly. Combinations of medication and psychological therapy see around 50% of patients responding to treatment.

How does TMS work for anxiety?

TMS treatment uses a repetitive magnetic pulse to calm the parts of the brain that cause the symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder.

Smart TMS treatment for generalised anxiety disorder takes into account any related issues that could either cause or result from the anxiety, such as phobias and depression.

The full TMS treatment for anxiety usually involves 30 sessions, split into two courses of 15 sessions, which take place over a period of three to six weeks. Each treatment lasts 30 minutes, and some patients are able to have more than one session a day.

Read our testimonials from patients who’ve been freed from anxiety after TMS treatment.

Assessment price

After completing your online questionnaires and confirming that TMS is right for you, you'll have a video chat with one of our expert clinicians. This session is an opportunity for you to discuss your condition in detail, ask any questions you may have, and receive personalised advice on how TMS treatment can benefit you.

The cost of this assessment is £350.

Depression & anxiety treatment prices

At Smart TMS, we recognise that a large percentage of our patients suffer from depression and anxiety alongside one another. For this reason, we treat these two conditions together within the same session.

TMS treatment for depression and anxiety is split into two courses. After 15 sessions, the results of the treatment are very apparent for most patients.

London Other
Initial course
(15 sessions)
£3,750 £3,300
Second course
(15 sessions)
£3,750 £3,300
Total price
(Including assessment) 
£7,850 £6,950

Is TMS Treatment for Postpartum Depression Right For You?

Try our quick 2 minute questionnaire to see whether TMS treatment could help.

What our Patients Say

Since receiving my TMS treatment, my anxiety has reduced so much that I have returned to work and am able to travel on my own, which I couldn’t do before!


When I was rushed to hospital with chest pain, my heart rate was at 120bpm and the doctors put it all down to anxiety. Medication didn’t affect it but since having TMS, I can finally go on day trips with my family without worrying about another panic attack.


TMS treatment has had lasting benefits over the past year. I’m much less irritable and am able to cope with unexpected problems much better.

Mrs A

Continuous Care

Dr Neal and his team understand the need to help our patients stay well beyond the end of their TMS treatment. Using research and our own experience, we have designed aftercare packages to provide ongoing care with a planned programme of regular top-up treatments.

Have you had TMS treatment for depression at another clinic? Smart TMS can offer you maintenance therapy, too!