Making sure we allow ourselves to have “me time” is vital for mental wellness and Christmas time is no exception. But, what about when you don’t want to be alone?
Surround yourself with positivity
Surround yourself with people who make you feel good/who’s company you enjoy. Dublin based practitioner, Ailish, says;
“Christmas can be a difficult time, particularly if you are experiencing a period of poor mental health. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you, who make you feel safe and comforted is important.”
Christmas is often a time for families to come together and for friends to celebrate. This doesn’t always have to be the case though.
Give your time this Christmas
If you’re feeling lonely, why not volunteer for a charity or visit an elderly neighbour? According research by the British Red Cross and Co-Op, over 9million people in the UK and Ireland describe themselves as always or often lonely. In addition, two fifths of elderly people count their television as their main source of company.
Throughout the UK and Ireland there are plenty of volunteering opportunities. Whether you can spare an hour to help serve Christmas lunch to the homeless or could offer your time on a regular basis to pop in to see a lonely elderly person, your time would be spent helping others. The feeling of goodwill amongst fellow volunteers and appreciation from the people you help will surround you with positivity.
You can sign up to volunteer directly with many local charities, or visit one of the sites below: