Sunday Express: Drug-free ‘cure’ for depression

The Sunday Express looked at the experience of Smart TMS patient Freddie Webster, who was ‘Normal after a decade’ of depression.

“A GRAPHIC designer who suffered from depression for a decade is now free of it after having the new drug-free treatment.”

Freddie’s Story

TMS Sunday Express

The Sunday Express article related Freddie’s story of how TMS therapy enabled him to beat long-term severe depression:

“Freddie Webster, 26, from Leatherhead, Surrey, believes his problem stemmed from being bullied at school and having a “tense” home life. He said:

“Life seemed unreal and dreamlike. It was like my response to incredible stress.

“I was sad every day and I couldn’t make any decisions, even which shirt to put on in the morning.”

“He began to have “unwanted, intrusive and frequent thoughts of suicide”, which
neither medication nor counselling could relieve.

“He heard about the new TMS treatment on a podcast and paid for it privately.

“Freddie said:

“By the end of three weeks I just felt normal.

“It’s like a dam has been taken out of a river.” “

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

The Sunday Express article explains how TMS treatment works:

“DRUG-FREE magnetic wave therapy for depression is to be adopted by the NHS after trials showed it can help up to 70 per cent of patients. Thirty per cent of these have virtually no symptoms after treatment, and some have been depressed for a decade.

“The ground-breaking pulse wave treatment has shown such huge promise after a series of large-scale studies that NHS trusts are adopting it as an alternative to drug-based and talking treatments.”

TMS treatment uses magnetic impulses, delivered with a handheld magnetic device which is applied to specific areas of the head. It is a non-invasive treatment requiring no medication. Treatment works by stimulating the brain, specifically the area that affects mood, anxiety, decision-making, appetite, energy and sleep.

The Sunday Express explained:

“Scientists believe this encourages the area to “rewire and grow more connections”
to work properly again.”

Media Links

Read the full story on the Sunday Express website:

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The feature appeared 19th March 2017.

TMS Treatment

at Smart TMS, London

Smart TMS offer treatment for depression with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy (rTMS) in their London based clinic and have plans to open further TMS Treatment Centres in the UK during 2017.


Smart TMS is a specialist provider of TMS treatment in London. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy (rTMS) is a technological breakthrough in the treatment of depression with a variety of further potential treatment applications. It is a non-invasive treatment for depression which uses magnetic impulses to work on areas of the brain affected by depression and has the approval of NICE.


For any queries or to book an appointment, please contact us:

Tel: 0345 222 5678
