Like all mental health conditions, depression affects us all differently.
Depression can manifest itself in many different ways, and can often be misinterpreted. According to experts, it might appear as:
- Sadness;
- Hopelessness;
- Anger or aggression;
- Intense fear;
- Apathy or
- Irritability
However, this list isn’t exhaustive. Any noticeable changes in your mood or motivation could be as a result of depression.
Sassy’s Story – How Did Her Depression Manifest Itself?
Smart TMS patient and disability blogger, influencer and journalist, Sassy Wyatt‘s life was plagued with depression. Unfortunately, it began as a result of losing her sight in her teens – an already difficult time of life. Subsequently, she visited her GP and received a diagnosis of clinical depression, which is the more severe type of depression.
To begin with, Sassy put her feelings down to typical adolescent hormones, describing herself as an “angry moody teenager”. With sight loss to contend with too, her moods became more of a problem as time went on.
Alongside the feelings of rage, Sassy also experienced feelings of hopelessness. At times, she would even tell herself she’d be better off dead.
Seeking Treatment
Sassy’s GP prescribed antidepressants and she saw some improvement in her mood. Soon, however, her thoughts slipped back into worthlessness, believing that nobody loved her, despite her secure support network.
It was after various different antidepressants at varying doses, alongside counselling, that Sassy decided that she needed to face the unknown and discover a treatment that worked for her. After much research, Sassy, her fiance Grant and Ida the guide dog walked through the doors of Smart TMS : London to begin her journey to remission from depression.
More On Sassy’s Story
Watch more on how Sassy’s depression manifested itself;
Sassy has documented her entire TMS experience through video. Each week, we will focus on a different topic Sassy discussed in more detail.
If you have questions about rTMS treatment or would like to learn more, contact our team of patient advisors on: 0345 222 5678 or email: