TMS treatment for bipolar disorder

Innovative treatment can reduce the debilitating effects of depressive episodes

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive approach that uses magnetic pulses to calm the areas of your brain that control mood, motivation and social skills

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TMS is a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments, with fewer side-effects than medication and no anaesthetic, no need for hospitalisation and no recovery time.

Understanding bipolar disorder

Bipolar, previously known as manic depression, is a disorder which causes the sufferer to have episodes of depression followed by episodes of mania. It can cause drastic mood swings that can impact on every aspect of your every day life.

Bipolar is often misunderstood. Each sufferer of bipolar disorder will have different symptoms, with the most common including:

  • Feeling sad, hopeless or irritable most of the time;
  • Lacking energy;
  • Difficulty concentrating and remembering;
  • Feelings of emptiness and worthlessness;
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy;
  • Having delusions or hallucinations;
  • Difficulty sleeping;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Suicidal thoughts

It’s not known exactly what causes bipolar disorder, but it’s thought to be triggered by stressful situations, such as the breakdown of a relationship or a bereavement. These changes can happen at any point in a person’s life, but research suggests that most cases are diagnosed before the age of 30. Men and women are equally affected.

Conventional approaches to treating bipolar disorder include:

  • Medication to stabilise mood and treat high/low episodes
  • Psychological treatment – education, self-monitoring, coping skills
  • Self-help – exercise, relaxation
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

These can be very effective with the right group, but may not suit everyone. It can also take a long time to get the right balance of medication.

Traditional methods of dealing with the symptoms of the depression caused by bipolar– from medication to therapy – don’t always work. Research has shown that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can reduce the symptoms of depression in those living with bipolar.

How does TMS treatment work for bipolar disorder?

The treatment works by stimulating the prefrontal cortex – the area of the brain that controls mood, motivation and social skills. Instead of numbing emotions, as medication can do, TMS treatment gets to the root of the problem by resetting brain patterns and pathways using targeted magnetic pulses.

A course of TMS for bipolar usually involves 30 sessions of treatment which take place over a period of three to six weeks. Each treatment lasts 30 minutes, and some patients are able to have more than one session a day.

Read our testimonials  from patients who’ve been freed from depression after treatment with Smart TMS.

Is TMS Treatment for Postpartum Depression Right For You?

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What our Patients Say

My Bipolar diagnosis was a surprise but I didn’t want medication that turned me into a zombie. TMS helped me out of my year long depressive slump.


TMS treatment has helped me to feel more stable in my moods because the lows aren’t nearly as low as they used to be.


I don’t really have mood swings any more which is making life easier for my husband, children and grandchildren. I can be the fun, happy Nana!!!


Continuous Care

Dr Neal and his team understand the need to help our patients stay well beyond the end of their TMS treatment. Using research and our own experience, we have designed aftercare packages to provide ongoing care with a planned programme of regular top-up treatments.

Have you had TMS treatment for depression at another clinic? Smart TMS can offer you maintenance therapy, too!