TMS treatment for postnatal depression

TMS for postpartum depression is an innovative approach to treating antenatal and postnatal depression.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive therapy that uses magnetic pulses to calm the areas of your brain that control mood and motivation.

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Understanding postnatal depression

Postnatal depression is a form of depression that begins in the months following pregnancy. It can feel like a black cloud is surrounding a special time in your life; TMS treatment for postnatal depression can help this black cloud to lift.

Traditional methods of dealing with the symptoms of depression – from medication to therapy – don’t always work. Many medications aren’t suitable to be used during pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding because they are systemic – this means that they can affect the whole body and transfer to the baby. Postpartum TMS treatment is targeted on the area of the brain that causes the condition, rather than flooding the body with chemicals and safe for expectant and breastfeeding mothers.

Research has shown that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can reduce the symptoms in those suffering with postnatal depression.

With no anaesthetic, no need for hospitalisation and no recovery time, it’s a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments, with fewer side-effects than medication.

As many as 1 in every 10 mothers suffers from postnatal depression (PND) in the months and years following the birth of their baby. Postnatal depression affecting fathers and partners is less commonly spoken about, but a very real possibility.

During the first two weeks post-birth, a new mother is likely to be anxious, exhausted and tearful as a result of the massive life changes she’s gone through. These feelings become more of a worry if they persist beyond this point. Symptoms of PND include:

  • A persistent feeling of sadness;
  • Loss of feelings of enjoyment and interest;
  • Difficulty sleeping, even though you know you need to rest;
  • Difficulty bonding with the new baby;
  • Problems making decisions;
  • Scary thoughts – for instance, thinking about hurting your baby.

How does TMS work for postnatal depression?

The treatment works by stimulating the prefrontal cortex – the area of the brain that controls mood, motivation and social skills. Instead of numbing emotions, as medication can do, TMS treatment gets to the root of the problem by resetting brain patterns and pathways using targeted magnetic pulses.

A course of TMS for postnatal depression usually involves 30 sessions of treatment which take place over a period of three to six weeks. Each treatment lasts 30 minutes, and some patients are able to have more than one session a day.

What is TMS treatment for postpartum depression?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), also known as repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) treatment for postpartum depression, is an innovative approach to treatment and therapy.

TMS is widely understood to be “magnetic therapy for postnatal depression”, yet it can be used to treat much more than just that. TMS is a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate areas of the brain, which also means it can relieve the symptoms of depression, OCD, addiction and other mental health conditions.

TMS is a brain stimulation therapy, meaning it only treats the brain circuits involved in your condition, rather than flooding the brain with chemicals. And unlike medication, there are very few potential side effects.

Is TMS Treatment for Postpartum Depression Right For You?

Try our quick 2 minute questionnaire to see whether TMS treatment could help.

What our Patients Say

Even after my PND diagnosis, I didn’t receive any treatment as I had decided to breastfeed my son until he self-weaned and I was concerned about how tablets would affect him. TMS gave me the option to avoid medication completely!

Mrs E*

I felt guilty for not enjoying the first months as a mum but a black cloud surrounded me. Since having TMS treatment, the cloud has lifted and I can enjoy my children, and they can enjoy their mummy, too.


My wife’s depression was tough on us all and the side effects of antidepressants seemed to make her feel worse. Finding out that TMS could get to the root of the problem without the nasty side effects was amazing for our family.

Mr P*

Continuous Care

Dr Neal and his team understand the need to help our patients stay well beyond the end of their TMS treatment. Using research and our own experience, we have designed aftercare packages to provide ongoing care with a planned programme of regular top-up treatments.

Have you had TMS treatment for depression at another clinic? Smart TMS can offer you maintenance therapy, too!