How to improve your mental health
This week, CEO of Smart TMS, Gerard Barnes, spoke with Siren Radio about the impact of mental health conditions on the life style of Brits.
“1 in 4 Brits choose not to go out so they don’t have to be social”
Gerard describes the catch 22 that so many people find themselves in. In an endless cycle, your motivation to go out goes down and you isolate yourself. As a result, you then miss out on the social interactions that can improve your mental health – even if it’s just a coffee with a friend. As the cycle continues, you become more isolated and feelings of depression increase as time moves on.
Modern Mental Health
Gerard explained to the listeners that it’s now more socially acceptable to talk about mental health problems. Whereas in the past, mental health problems may have been hidden through fear of appearing weak or being embarrassed, today society is more accepting. Therefore, it could be that mental health problems haven’t actually increased in the numbers suffering, only in those who feel empowered to speak up and ask for help.
When asked why Brits are avoiding social interactions, Gerard highlighted social media. He said;
“I would put a reasonable proportion of the blame on the social media society that our kids grow up in now. I can’t think of anything else societally that has changed in such a profound way as the way we communicate and interact with each other.”
There isn’t a week that goes by whereby social media is out of the spotlight in some shape or form. Many people believe that social media has a positive impact on those who struggle with face to face interactions.
What do you think?
Do you agree with Gerard in his interview below? Do you believe that social media is harming the mental health of its users, causing depression and anxiety? Or, do you see the positives that social media can give, such as the opportunity for like-minded people to share hobbies or find friendships?
As with all aspects of life, there are both positive and negative arguments for and against social media, but what do you think? Do you think society would be happier without it?