Returning To My Roots
There I was, sat in a psychology lecture in 2015, worrying about whether I would be able to finish my dissertation before the looming deadline. Fast forward four years post graduation… I was now the Smart TMS guest speaker in the same lecture room at the University of Winchester.
The Panel Of Experts
On the 8th October 2019, I delivered a talk about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and pursuing a career in mental health. Around 50 students studying varying degrees attended to hear more about my role with Smart TMS. I formed part of a panel of six mental health specialists giving talks. The panel included:
- The CEO of a well-being company
- A psychologist
- A counsellor
- A psychological wellbeing practitioner (PWP)
- A trainee PWP
- Myself – a TMS practitioner
From the get-go, I knew I had a challenge on my hands. I had to educate not only the students about TMS, but everyone else on the panel as well. TMS has been NICE approved in the UK since 2015, many professionals are yet to learn how phenomenal the results can be when treating mental health conditions.
My Time To Shine
Initially, my talk started by showing a video of Smart TMS patient, Sassy Wyatt. This was to remind everyone of the reason we were in that room, to be able to help others. As TMS is still relatively unknown, Sassy’s video helped everybody to visualise what a session with Smart TMS might look like. The video set the scene for me to explain to everyone what TMS is and how it works, helping to educate about its effectiveness.
I then explained my career trajectory through the last five years of working in mental health. After graduating from the University Of Winchester, I worked with children on the autistic spectrum and volunteered throughout Malaysia and India. Providing mental health support to communities so different from those in the UK opened my eyes to how mental health can impact different cultures in different ways, with the same overall impact.
The talk finished with the student’s opportunity to ask questions to the panel. Excitingly, I was asked several questions about TMS. It was great to see others as fascinated as I about the potential of such an innovative treatment.
I will be returning to the University of Winchester to talk about the positive impact of TMS in a third year Psychology lecture in November.
About Josh
Josh runs Smart TMS : Havant and has done since its opening in 2018. Whilst treating a range of conditions, from depression to OCD to PTSD, Josh has built strong relationships with patients travelling from all over the South of England. His clinic is open between 8am and 4pm, Monday – Friday.
If you would like to speak to Josh about receiving treatment at Smart TMS : Havant, please arrange a suitable time with our patient advisors by calling 0345 222 5678.