Smoking and Mental Health: Why to Quit

Smoking and Mental Health

The relationship between smoking and mental health is intricate. Nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes, initially acts as a stimulant, providing temporary relief from stress and improving mood and concentration. However, these effects are fleeting, and the subsequent nicotine withdrawal can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress¹. This can create a vicious cycle where the smoker relies on cigarettes to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms, mistakenly attributing these short-term effects to stress relief².

Smoking and Depression:

Depression and smoking have a bidirectional relationship. Adults with depression are twice as likely to smoke, and smoking can worsen depressive symptoms. Nicotine influences the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. While smoking may temporarily increase dopamine levels, it also disrupts the brain’s natural ability to produce this chemical, leading to a long-term reduction in dopamine and potentially contributing to depressive symptoms¹.

Smoking and Anxiety:

Smoking is often perceived as a stress reliever, but in reality, it increases anxiety and tension. Nicotine induces a temporary sense of relaxation, which can mislead smokers into thinking it helps with stress and anxiety. However, this is a short-lived effect, and the subsequent nicotine withdrawal actually heightens anxiety, leading to a cycle of dependence. Research indicates that smoking exacerbates anxiety disorders, with smokers having higher rates of anxiety compared to non-smokers. Quitting smoking, on the other hand, has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety levels, contributing to better overall mental health.

Smoking and Schizophrenia:

Individuals with schizophrenia are three times more likely to smoke than the general population. Smoking is often used as a coping mechanism to manage symptoms of the illness and to mitigate side effects of medication. However, there is emerging evidence suggesting that smoking might increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, although more research is needed to understand this link fully¹.

Why to Quit:

Quitting smoking has profound mental health benefits. Withdrawal symptoms can be challenging, but they are temporary. Once overcome, individuals often experience reduced levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. The mental health improvements from quitting can be comparable to the effects of taking antidepressants. Additionally, quitting can lead to better physical health outcomes, such as improved lung function and circulation, and reduced risks of cancer, heart disease, and stroke⁵ ⁶.

Support for Quitting:

It’s important to note that quitting smoking is a challenging process, especially for those with mental health conditions. However, there is a wealth of support available, including
counselling, medications, and nicotine replacement therapies. Utilizing these resources can significantly increase the chances of successfully quitting². In summary, while smoking may seem to provide temporary relief from mental health challenges, it ultimately contributes to them. Quitting smoking offers a path to not only better physical health but also improved mental well-being and quality of life. The journey to quit smoking is tough but immensely rewarding, with support available every step of the way¹². Here at Smart TMS, we provide support for patients with addiction, as well as offering our own smoking addiction protocol.


  1. Mental Health Foundation (2021). Smoking and mental health. [online] Mental Health Foundation. Available at:
  2. NHS (2021). Stopping smoking is good for your mental health – Quit smoking. [online] NHS. Available at:‌
  3. NHS (2023). Benefits of quitting smoking. [online] Available at:
  4. Verywell Health. (n.d.). What You Need to Know About Quitting Smoking. [online] Available at:‌
  5. NAMI. (n.d.). Smoking. [online] Available at:
  6. Taylor, G., McNeill, A., Girling, A., Farley, A., Lindson-Hawley, N. and Aveyard, P. (2014). Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, [online] 348(348). doi:
  7. (2020). Why Do You Want to Quit? | Smokefree. [online] Available at:
  8. (n.d.). Benefits of Quitting Smoking. [online] Available at:
  9. (n.d.). Reasons to Quit Smoking | Health Benefits to Quitting. [online] Available at:
  10. (2022). Stopping smoking for your mental health. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jun. 2024].