Yahoo! Sports: Your Body in Autumn/Winter

Smart TMS Technician Isabel Leming provided expert information on seasonal affective disorder for Yahoo!’s feature on what happens to your body in the autumn and winter. 

The article looked at a range of changes that affect us as the seasons’ change, from skin and sleep patterns to fertility, cardiac health (heart), bladder and joints.

The article by Yahoo Style UK’s Marie Claire Dorking appeared on Yahoo! Sports and was entitled:

“Winter vaginas and wacky skin: the truth about what happens to your body in the autumn/winter”

How Mood Changes Over Winter

Smart TMS were asked to help explain how the onset of autumn and winter can affect people’s mood and feelings of wellbeing.

The feature explained:

“According to a study from The Weather Channel and YouGov up to 29% of the UK population suffer from some degree of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

“It is thought that SAD often hits during the colder months because of less light exposure during the day.”

Isabel Leming, Senior Technician at Smart TMS explained how SAD can develop in response to the shorter days and longer nights:

“In winter reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin that may trigger depression and the change in season can disrupt the balance of the body’s level of melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.”

As a first step to tackling Seasonal Affective Disorder, Isabel suggested increasing daily exercise and activity levels, saying:

“Exercise helps relieve stress and anxiety, both of which can increase SAD symptoms. Being more fit can make you feel better about yourself, too, which can lift your mood.”

Read In Full

Yahoo! Sports

Read the feature in full at


isabel leming

Isabel is a member of the Smart TMS team of technicians. Her qualifications and experience prior to working at Smart TMS include:

  • Behaviour Support Worker, North Bristol NHS Trust, working on a neurology/stroke ward
  • Role Play Therapist, behavioural outreach service and learning support within education
  • Researcher at The University of Glasgow
  • Research masters in Brain Sciences, 2015, The University of Glasgow
  • Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology and Sport, 2014, The University of Stirling

She is based at our Bristol TMS Clinic.

TMS Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder is available at Smart TMS clinics across the UK.

rTMS, or Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a non-invasive treatment which uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the specific areas of the brain associated with stress and/or depression.

It is a non-medication route which has shown remarkable results.  TMS is clinically proven and has been approved by NICE for treating depression.

Private rTMS for Depression Treatment

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been a technological breakthrough in the treatment of depression and anxiety without drugs.

Additionally, there is clinical evidence for a variety of further potential treatment applications including: addictions (alcohol, cocaine, meth, nicotine, gambling) as well as DPD (Depersonalisation Disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), BPD (borderline personality disorder).


For any queries or to book an appointment, please contact us:

Tel: 0345 222 5678
